August 1, 2021 - Sunday


Admin Post #1 - Welcome to the Site!

by Inkblot

Welcome to Inkopolis Connection! Today we're launching the site for the public, and we hope you like what you see!

First I'd like to say, hello everybody! My name is Inkblot, and I'm the creator of this blog. I decided to make this because I was awfully sad at the terrible state the Western Splatoon community has been in. Drama, negativity, hatred- it's not always all that of course, but when you're going about the internet for as long as I, you tend to get a little fatigued!

So today I present to you all Inkopolis Connection, with which I hope I can help this community grow an appreciation of our fellow fan's content, without the nasty in-between posts. I chose the name Inkopolis Connection, because I want to create a stronger connection between the fans and our beloved world of Splatoon. In the world of Splatoon, all that burdens us in this world is practically non-existant in theirs. Splatoon's world is one of endless possibilities and fun!

For this week, we have just enough content for our very first Meme Monday and Fan Art Friday! How exciting! Very thankful to all who have allowed their content to be shared onto the blog, and we hope viewers enjoy it this Monday (August 2nd) and Friday (August 6th). While we have so far been unsuccessful finding videos/ clips for your viewing pleasure, we're still on the lookout.

So you're in the know, Admin Posts will be every beginning of the week (Sunday). Admin Posts are to notify users of the week's content schedule and about important events, such as Splatoon's anniversaries, real-world holidays, and more. Admin Posts will also note off days/ weeks ahead of time. Thanks for reading!